Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Summer Lovin'

"Grease" came alive on stage upon our first trip to the Sydney Opera House last night for the Olivia Newton-John (ONJ) concert. A huge thanks to Brooke Bussen for this great gift! The grande finale including an audience sing-along to "Summer Lovin' had me a blast, Summer lovin' happened so fast....". What a hoot! I can't shake the "Greece" tunes or "Let's get physical, physical....I wanna get physical!" from my head. ONJ boasted that "Let's get physical" was banned from the airwaves in 1982; she was proud that SHE had a song that was 'banned'! Considering the lyrics of M&M, "Let's get physical" today classifies as a lullaby! This weekend, Logan, Shannon (friend) and I pile in the Holden Astra and drive North to Byron Bay- this beautiful spot, about 6 hours away. Our friend has access to this condo on the beach. We are excited for this weekend gettaway! Logan and I have a new addition to our family .... the surfboard. Last week, on day 2, LSW sets the alarm for 4:30AM to catch a few waves before work. What love will do to a guy, right? I'm adjusting to sharing his attention :) Now last Sunday, is where it gets interesting.... We set off with friends, Meredith and Shannon, to hike in the Royal Nat'l Park. Logan decided to hike with his surf board as secluded beaches lie at end of the hike. Well, somehow, 10 minutes into the hike, we got off trail and end up bush-wacking for hours. Unable to fully depict the scene of us bush whacking, literally, you would NOT believe what we trekked through. The most painful being reeds that give you paper cuts. The density of the vegetation made it impossible to see forward or backward. The only technique to use is PLUNGING oneself forward. Next, we trekked through swamp land where Logan would occasionally climb trees to ensure we could at least see sand in the distance. The last portion (unbeknownst to us at the time) was the brush that caused a stinging sensation all over our appendages due to the cuts from the reeds! FINALLY, we arrived at the beach; I've never been SO thankful. We ate lunch and sprawled out. Logan, of course, surfed before setting off for the return, except this time, ON THE TRAIL (which felt like an 8-lane highway). This trail ended about 3 km from the car, which was all so fine considering what it could have been (ie the bush whacking). At points, we wanted to be back at the car so much we started running (yes, running, LW with his surf board in tow) and I carrying my big backpack (containing our snorkelling gear, which of course we never used!). Imagine, driving down this 2-lane road and spotting 4 random people running, and one carrying a surfboard. We're certain we made conversations in various cars that drove that road on Sunday. Clearly, none of us were really prepared for the rigors of the day!!! We were so dehydrated when we got back to the car, we dashed to this gas station and all 4 of us RAN in and starting pulling water bottles out of the cooler, opening then and guzzling. The gas station attendant was laughing at us :) We chugged 2 huge water bottles and 2 big gatorades- thirst busters! Needless to say, we arrived home, with scrapes covering the legs, very sun kissed, still thirsty, sandy, chilled from the dried sweat, stinging, and tired... but what an adventure! This beach was so beautiful, remote, and just lovely.....we'll definitely take all y'all who visit, except we will stay on the trail, ie the easy way. No question, I will not be "bush whacking" again :) Meredith later shared, after we returned safely to the car, that she saw a snake in the reeds but didn't tell anyone. Smart girl!


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